Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation: Unveiling Hidden Gems

The purpose of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is to promote tourism in Bangladesh, build a positive image of the country abroad, develop tourism infrastructure, provide services to tourists, and enhance the existing tourism resources in Bangladesh while creating employment opportunities in the industry. As the national tourism organization of Bangladesh, the corporation plays a vital role in promoting and developing tourism, providing facilities, and regulating tourist installations and services.

It works closely with the Bangladesh Tourism Board, which is responsible for promoting tourism, providing necessary training, and improving the country’s image in the global tourism industry. Together, these organizations aim to strengthen the tourism industry’s contribution to the country’s economy and showcase the diverse attractions and experiences Bangladesh has to offer.

Introduction To Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation

The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, also known as the Bangladesh Tourism Corporation, plays a pivotal role in promoting tourism and developing the country’s travel industry. Established with the mission to showcase the beauty and cultural heritage of Bangladesh, the corporation has been actively engaged in providing facilities, developing tourism infrastructure, and regulating various tourist services to enhance the overall travel experience for visitors.

The Role In Promoting Tourism

The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation functions with the primary objective of promoting and developing tourism in the country. It strives to create a positive image of Bangladesh on the global platform, enhance tourism infrastructure, provide exceptional services to tourists, and effectively utilize and expand the diverse tourism resources available in the region. Moreover, the corporation aims to generate employment opportunities across various sectors within the tourism industry, contributing to the overall socioeconomic growth of the nation.

A Brief History

Founded with the vision of promoting and developing tourism, the Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has been instrumental in shaping the travel landscape of the country. Since its inception, the corporation has continuously strived to enhance the tourism sector, facilitate tourist undertakings, regulate tourist installations and services, and promote the rich cultural and natural heritage of Bangladesh on a global scale.

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation: Unveiling Hidden Gems


The Objectives Behind Bpc’s Establishment

The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) was established with several key objectives in mind, aimed at promoting and developing tourism in Bangladesh, as well as creating a positive international image for the country. These objectives are crucial in advancing the tourism industry, facilitating infrastructure development, and boosting the economy through employment opportunities.

Promotion Of Tourism

The primary goal of the Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is to promote and develop tourism within the country. This includes implementing strategies to attract both domestic and international tourists, showcasing the diverse cultural, historical, and natural attractions that Bangladesh has to offer. Through targeted marketing and promotional activities, BPC aims to increase tourist footfall and contribute to the growth of the tourism sector.

Image Building Internationally

Another significant objective of BPC is to build a positive and compelling international image for Bangladesh. By highlighting the country’s unique tourism offerings, cultural heritage, and hospitality, BPC endeavors to position Bangladesh as an attractive and welcoming destination on the global stage. This image-building effort is essential for attracting foreign investment, fostering international partnerships, and increasing tourism revenue.

Key Functions And Activities

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) is the national tourism organization of Bangladesh. The corporation’s primary objective is to develop and promote tourism in the country. To achieve this goal, BPC undertakes various functions and activities, which are:

Developing Tourism Infrastructure

BPC is responsible for developing tourism infrastructure in Bangladesh. The corporation develops and maintains tourist attractions, such as archaeological sites, museums, and amusement parks. BPC also builds and manages hotels, resorts, and other accommodation facilities for tourists. The corporation also works towards improving transportation facilities, such as roads, airports, and railways, to make it easier for tourists to travel to different parts of the country.

Regulating Tourism Services

BPC is also responsible for regulating tourism services in Bangladesh. The corporation sets standards for tourist accommodations, restaurants, and other tourism-related services to ensure that they meet the required quality standards. BPC also issues licenses to tour operators, travel agencies, and other tourism-related businesses. The corporation also monitors tourism activities in the country to ensure that they are conducted in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Promoting Bangladesh Tourism

BPC is responsible for promoting Bangladesh tourism to both domestic and international tourists. The corporation conducts various marketing and promotional activities to attract tourists to the country. BPC participates in international tourism fairs and exhibitions to showcase the country’s tourism potential. The corporation also works with the media to promote Bangladesh tourism and create awareness about the country’s tourism offerings.

Providing Tourist Information

BPC provides tourist information to both domestic and international tourists. The corporation maintains a website and social media pages where tourists can access information about tourist attractions, accommodations, transportation, and other tourism-related services. BPC also operates tourist information centers in different parts of the country, where tourists can obtain information and assistance regarding their travel plans.

Developing Human Resources

BPC is also responsible for developing human resources in the tourism industry. The corporation provides training and capacity-building programs to tour guides, hotel staff, and other tourism-related professionals to improve their skills and knowledge. BPC also works with educational institutions to develop tourism-related courses and programs to create a skilled workforce for the industry.

In Conclusion

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation plays a crucial role in developing and promoting tourism in Bangladesh. The corporation’s key functions and activities are aimed at creating a sustainable and responsible tourism industry that contributes to the country’s economic growth and development.

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation: Unveiling Hidden Gems


Bpc’s Contribution To National Economy

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) significantly contributes to the national economy by promoting tourism, developing tourism infrastructure, and creating employment opportunities. BPC plays a crucial role in showcasing the diverse tourism resources of Bangladesh and fostering a positive international image for the country.

Employment Opportunities

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) plays a crucial role in contributing to the national economy through the creation of employment opportunities. By promoting tourism and developing tourism infrastructure, BPC generates job opportunities across various sectors of the industry. One of the primary objectives of BPC is to create employment opportunities in the tourism sector. This not only helps in reducing unemployment rates but also contributes to the overall economic growth of the country. The tourism industry offers a wide range of job opportunities, including hotel and restaurant management, tour guiding, transportation services, souvenir shops, and many more. By expanding tourism-related businesses, BPC creates a ripple effect on other industries as well. Increased tourism activities lead to a higher demand for goods and services, which, in turn, stimulates the growth of local businesses. This, in effect, generates more job opportunities and boosts economic activity in the surrounding communities.

Strengthening Economic Growth

BPC’s contribution to the national economy goes beyond just employment opportunities. By promoting tourism and attracting both domestic and international tourists, BPC significantly strengthens economic growth. Tourism has a direct impact on multiple sectors of the economy, including hospitality, transportation, retail, and entertainment. The revenue generated from tourism activities not only benefits these sectors but also contributes to the overall economic development of the country. Moreover, the tourism industry helps in the development of infrastructure such as hotels, resorts, transportation networks, and tourist attractions. These infrastructure developments not only enhance the tourism experience but also provide long-term benefits to the local communities by improving their quality of life and attracting further investment. In addition to the direct economic benefits, tourism also plays a vital role in promoting cultural exchange, preserving heritage sites, and showcasing the natural beauty of Bangladesh. This, in turn, attracts more tourists and boosts the country’s image on the global stage. Overall, BPC’s efforts in promoting tourism and creating a favorable environment for visitors contribute significantly to the national economy, both in terms of employment opportunities and economic growth. By strengthening the tourism industry, BPC plays a pivotal role in driving the development and prosperity of Bangladesh.

Exploring Hidden Gems With Bpc

Embark on a journey to discover the hidden gems of Bangladesh with Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC). Experience the rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural landscapes, and warm hospitality that this beautiful country has to offer. Let BPC guide you to the most enchanting and off-the-beaten-path destinations for an unforgettable adventure.

Undiscovered Destinations

Bangladesh is a country full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With the help of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), tourists can explore off-the-beaten-path destinations that are often overlooked by mainstream travel guides. From the pristine beaches of Cox’s Bazar to the lush green forests of Lawachara National Park, BPC offers a variety of options for travelers seeking unique experiences.

Unique Tourism Experiences

BPC provides a range of unique tourism experiences that ensure each traveler has a memorable trip. Whether it’s a boat ride on the Shitalakshya River or a visit to a traditional Bangladeshi village, BPC offers a diverse set of activities to choose from. Travelers can also enjoy authentic Bangladeshi cuisine while staying at BPC-owned hotels and resorts.

Why Choose Bpc?

BPC is the national tourism organization of Bangladesh and is responsible for promoting tourism and providing necessary training. Their mission is to build a positive image of Bangladesh abroad, create tourism infrastructure, provide services to tourists, and create employment opportunities in the tourism industry. With their extensive knowledge of the country and dedication to promoting sustainable tourism, BPC is the perfect partner for travelers seeking to explore the hidden gems of Bangladesh. So, if you’re looking for a unique and authentic travel experience, consider exploring Bangladesh with the help of BPC. You won’t be disappointed!
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation: Unveiling Hidden Gems


Partnerships And Collaborations

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation actively seeks partnerships and collaborations to promote and develop tourism, provide facilities, and regulate tourist services. As the national tourism organization of Bangladesh, it plays a crucial role in creating employment opportunities and enhancing the country’s positive image in the global tourism industry.

Partnerships and Collaborations Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) recognizes the importance of partnerships and collaborations in promoting tourism in Bangladesh. BPC has established partnerships with local communities and international tourism organizations to develop and promote tourism in Bangladesh. Here are some examples of BPC’s partnerships and collaborations:

Working With Local Communities

BPC collaborates with local communities to promote community-based tourism in Bangladesh. This type of tourism helps to preserve local culture and traditions while generating income for the local communities. BPC works with local communities to develop tourism infrastructure, such as guesthouses and homestays, and to promote local tourism products and services. BPC also organizes training programs for local communities to enhance their tourism-related skills.

International Tourism Partnerships

BPC has established partnerships with international tourism organizations to promote Bangladesh as a tourist destination. BPC is a member of the South Asian Tourism Association (SATA) and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). These partnerships provide BPC with access to international tourism markets and help to promote Bangladesh as a safe and attractive tourist destination. BPC also collaborates with foreign embassies and tourism organizations to promote tourism in Bangladesh. BPC is committed to promoting sustainable tourism in Bangladesh through partnerships and collaborations. BPC recognizes that sustainable tourism can only be achieved through the cooperation of all stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, and international tourism organizations. By working together, BPC and its partners can promote tourism in Bangladesh while preserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage for future generations.

Challenges And Opportunities

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation presents both challenges and opportunities in promoting tourism in the country. It aims to build a positive image of Bangladesh abroad, develop tourism infrastructure, and provide services to tourists while creating employment opportunities in various sectors of the industry.

The corporation plays a crucial role in promoting and regulating tourist installations and services, contributing to the growth of the tourism industry in Bangladesh.

When it comes to the tourism industry, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation faces various challenges and opportunities. Let’s take a closer look at how they are overcoming barriers and the future prospects in tourism.

Overcoming Barriers

The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has been working tirelessly to overcome the barriers that hinder the growth of the tourism industry in Bangladesh. Some of the key challenges they face include:

  • Limited infrastructure: One of the major challenges is the limited infrastructure for tourism. The corporation is actively working to develop and improve tourism infrastructure in order to attract more visitors.
  • Lack of awareness: Many potential tourists are unaware of the diverse attractions that Bangladesh has to offer. The corporation is focusing on raising awareness about the country’s tourism potential through marketing campaigns and collaborations with international travel agencies.
  • Security concerns: Safety and security concerns have been a barrier to tourism growth. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is working closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of tourists and create a secure environment for travelers.

Despite these challenges, the corporation has made significant progress in overcoming barriers. Through strategic planning and collaboration with various stakeholders, they are actively working towards creating a conducive environment for tourism growth in Bangladesh.

Future Prospects In Tourism

The future prospects of the tourism industry in Bangladesh are promising. The Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is capitalizing on the country’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and unique attractions to attract both domestic and international tourists. Some of the key opportunities they are focusing on include:

  • Heritage tourism: Bangladesh is home to numerous historical sites and heritage buildings. The corporation is promoting heritage tourism by preserving and showcasing these cultural treasures.
  • Eco-tourism: With its diverse ecosystems, including the Sundarbans mangrove forest and the Cox’s Bazar beach, Bangladesh has immense potential for eco-tourism. The corporation is actively promoting sustainable tourism practices to preserve the natural environment.
  • Adventure tourism: The country’s hilly regions and rivers provide opportunities for adventure tourism such as trekking, hiking, and water sports. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is working to develop adventure tourism infrastructure and promote these activities.

By tapping into these opportunities and leveraging the unique offerings of Bangladesh, the corporation aims to attract a larger share of international tourists and boost the country’s tourism industry.

How To Engage With Bpc

To engage with Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC), you can explore their website to learn about the corporation’s purpose, role, and activities in promoting tourism in Bangladesh. BPC aims to build a positive image of the country, develop tourism infrastructure, provide services to tourists, and create employment opportunities in the industry.

Stay informed about BPC’s initiatives to make the most of your travel experiences in Bangladesh.

If you’re interested in exploring the beautiful country of Bangladesh, then engaging with the Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) can be a great way to get started. BPC is a government organization responsible for promoting and developing tourism in Bangladesh. Here are some ways you can engage with BPC to make your travel experience in Bangladesh even better:

Tourist Services And Information

BPC offers a range of tourist services and information to help you plan your trip and make the most of your stay in Bangladesh. Some of the services and information that BPC provides include:
  • Booking of hotels, motels, and guesthouses
  • Tourist guide services
  • Transportation services
  • Information on tourist attractions, festivals, and events
  • Travel maps and guidebooks
You can visit the BPC website or contact their offices to access these services and information.

Getting Involved In Tourism Development

If you’re interested in getting involved in tourism development in Bangladesh, then BPC can be a great place to start. BPC is responsible for promoting and developing tourism infrastructure in the country, as well as providing services to tourists. Some ways you can get involved in tourism development with BPC include:
  • Investing in tourism infrastructure projects
  • Offering your services as a tour guide or travel agent
  • Providing feedback on your travel experiences to help BPC improve their services
  • Participating in tourism-related events and festivals
By getting involved in tourism development with BPC, you can help contribute to the growth and success of the tourism industry in Bangladesh. In conclusion, engaging with BPC can be a great way to make your travel experience in Bangladesh even more enjoyable. Whether you’re looking for tourist services and information or want to get involved in tourism development, BPC has something to offer. So why not reach out to BPC today and see how they can help you make the most of your trip to Bangladesh?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Purpose Of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation?

The purpose of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is to promote tourism in Bangladesh, build a positive image of the country abroad, develop tourism infrastructure, provide services to tourists, and enhance the tourism resources in Bangladesh. The corporation aims to create employment opportunities within the tourism industry.

What Is The Role And Function Of Bpc?

The role and function of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) is to promote and develop tourism in Bangladesh. They aim to build a positive image of the country abroad, create tourism infrastructure, provide services to tourists, and enhance the existing tourism resources in Bangladesh.

Additionally, BPC works towards creating employment opportunities in various sectors of the tourism industry.

What Is The National Tourism Organization Of Bangladesh?

The Bangladesh Tourism Board is the national tourism organization responsible for promoting and developing tourism in Bangladesh. Located in Dhaka, it provides necessary training and facilities to support the growth of the tourism industry.

What Are The Activities Of Bangladesh Tourism Board?

The Bangladesh Tourism Board promotes tourism, develops infrastructure, and enhances the country’s image abroad. It provides services, supports tourism resources, and creates employment opportunities.


To conclude, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation plays a crucial role in promoting tourism in Bangladesh. Its main objectives include building a positive image of the country, developing tourism infrastructure, and providing services to tourists. By showcasing the rich tourism resources of Bangladesh, the corporation not only attracts visitors but also creates employment opportunities.

With its dedication to enhancing the tourism industry, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation continues to contribute to the country’s economy and improve its global reputation.


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