How Strong is Bangladesh Passport?

How Strong is Bangladesh Passport? Discover its Global Influence

The Bangladesh passport ranks 101st in the world in terms of its strength. It allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 41 countries.

Considering its ranking, the strength of the Bangladesh passport is relatively moderate. However, it offers a decent level of access compared to some other passports. Travelers holding a Bangladesh passport can still enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to several countries, making it a practical travel document for certain destinations.

Despite not being among the most powerful passports, it still provides a reasonable degree of mobility and convenience for Bangladeshi citizens traveling abroad.

How Strong is Bangladesh Passport? Discover its Global Influence


Bangladesh Passport: An Overview

The Bangladesh passport, representing the citizens of this vibrant and culturally rich country, holds a significant place in the global mobility landscape. Understanding the historical background and current standings of its passport is essential for appreciating the opportunities and limitations it offers to its holders.

Historical Background

The historical evolution of the Bangladesh passport reflects the political and international dynamics of the region. After gaining independence in 1971, Bangladesh issued its first passport, marking a pivotal moment in its nation-building process. Over the years, the Bangladeshi passport has adapted to changes in international relations and security protocols, aiming to facilitate the travel needs of its citizens.

Current Passport Rankings

The global passport rankings play a crucial role in assessing the strength of a passport in terms of international mobility and visa-free access. Currently, the Bangladesh passport holds a position in the mid-range on global passport indices, granting its holders access to a diverse set of countries. However, the Bangladesh passport also comes with certain limitations, requiring its holders to navigate visa regulations and restrictions in various parts of the world.

Visa-free Travel

When it comes to the strength of a passport, visa-free travel opportunities are a significant factor. Let’s examine how powerful the Bangladesh passport is in terms of unrestricted access to other countries.

Countries With Visa-free Access

Bangladesh passport holders have the privilege of visa-free access to several countries, including but not limited to:

  • Maldives
  • Fiji
  • Mauritius
  • St. Vincent & the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Popular Tourist Destinations

Bangladeshi passport holders can take advantage of visa-free travel to visit popular tourist destinations such as:

  1. Malaysia
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Singapore
  4. Thailand
  5. Indonesia

Bangladesh Passport And Economic Opportunities

The Bangladesh passport holds significant potential when it comes to economic opportunities. As a Bangladesh passport holder, individuals can explore a range of avenues including business and employment prospects, education and study abroad, as well as residency and citizenship options through investment. Let’s take a closer look at each of these categories and understand the advantages that the Bangladesh passport offers.

Business And Employment Prospects

With a Bangladesh passport, you gain access to a world of business and employment opportunities. Many countries are seeking skilled professionals and entrepreneurs who can contribute to their economies. As a Bangladesh passport holder, you can leverage your skills and expertise to secure employment or even establish your own business in countries that offer favorable business environments and incentives. Some popular destinations for job opportunities include the United States, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East.

Education And Study Abroad

Obtaining a quality education is a goal for many individuals, and with a Bangladesh passport, you can explore study abroad options in various countries. Many renowned universities across the globe welcome international students, offering diverse academic programs and scholarships. Pursuing higher education outside Bangladesh not only allows you to gain a world-class education but also provides opportunities to enhance your cross-cultural understanding and expand your professional network.

Residency And Citizenship By Investment

For those seeking residency or even citizenship in another country, the Bangladesh passport can open doors through investment-based programs. These programs allow individuals to acquire residency or citizenship by making substantial investments in the host country’s economy. Popular destinations offering such programs include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and several European countries. The Bangladesh passport presents opportunities to invest in real estate, businesses, or government bonds, providing a pathway to residency or citizenship, along with the associated benefits.

How Strong is Bangladesh Passport? Discover its Global Influence


How Strong is Bangladesh Passport? Discover its Global Influence


Frequently Asked Questions For How Strong Is Bangladesh Passport?

How Strong Is The Bangladesh Passport?

The Bangladesh passport is ranked 97th in terms of global mobility, offering visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 41 countries. However, it is important to note that the strength of a passport can vary according to changes in diplomatic relations and international agreements.

Which Countries Can Bangladeshi Passport Holders Visit Without A Visa?

Bangladeshi passport holders can visit several countries without a visa, including Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Seychelles, Seychelles, Cape Verde, and Barbados. However, it is essential to check the latest travel requirements and restrictions before planning any international trip.

Can A Bangladesh Passport Holder Live And Work In Other Countries?

Yes, Bangladesh passport holders can live and work in other countries, but the process may vary depending on the destination. Visa requirements, work permits, and immigration regulations need to be followed to legally reside and work in another country. It is advisable to consult the embassy or consulate of the country they wish to move to for accurate information.


To conclude, the strength of a Bangladesh passport plays a crucial role in determining the freedom and opportunities it offers to its holders. With recent improvements in visa-on-arrival and visa-free access to numerous countries, the Bangladesh passport is gradually gaining momentum.

While challenges remain, continuous efforts to strengthen diplomatic relations and increase visa waivers will undoubtedly enhance its global standing. It’s an exciting time for Bangladeshis as their passport opens doors to new horizons and possibilities.


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